I want to introduce you to my two furry

Indy is the larger and older pup. Indy is a nine-year-old English Labrador. He is the sweetest and loveable dog. He loves the ladies and sleeping. Junior is our four-year-old Labradoodle. Junior is our Energizer Bunny. He is constantly going all day long. He seriously sleeps only at night. If he does take a nap during the day, he always has one eye open.
Our family named these two knuckleheads after the main character from the Indiana Jones movie.

It gets pretty rough for our pups in the wintertime. They do not get as many walks as at other times of the year. This photo of the two of them is right after a walk that was way overdue for them. As you can see, they were wiped out. 😂 We all get a little out of shape during the winter, at least in our household.

Who is ready for Spring?