I would be the beautiful and poised giraffe. They’re legs alone are taller than many humans. They can run as fast as 35 miles an hour. Their tongues are long as well, reaching 21 inches, which helps them pluck leaves and buds in the tree tops. They can eat hundreds of pounds of leaves each week. They actually regurgitate their food and chew it as cud. They only drink once every several days because they get most of their water from the luscious leaves they consume.
Female giraffes give birth standing up, which makes for a rude welcome for the newborn baby giraffe. They fall more than 5 feet to the ground during birth. What a way to be welcomed to the world! The baby giraffe is able to stand in half an hour after birth and run with their mothers just ten hours after birth.
They are breath taking animals. Here are some gorgeous photographs and art of this beautiful mammal we call the giraffe.