Tag Archives: ladybugs

Introducing “Ernie the Egret and his Friends.”

I’m very close to finishing my latest piece, Ernie the Naked Egret. I’ve been enjoying creating this sweet bird. I started this on pencil and paper, then finished it digitally with my ArtRage software. This painting is part of my Wildlife Series.

Wildlife Series
Ernie the Egert and his ladybug friends.

I will have Ernie available for purchase soon. Keep your eyes peeled!

Dead Bug Yoga Pose Illustration

Sold this adorable tee to a wonderful customer!

Description:  The ladybug that loves yoga! Here she is demonstrating the dead bug yoga pose. Stretched out on her back on a bed of green grass, with her legs straight up in the air.

Click through to see other product options:


ladybug in the dead bug yoga pose.

Illustration of the Dead Bug yoga pose.

Ernie the Egert and his Clan Illustration

Introducing, Ernie the Egert and his clan.  The past several months I have been stepping into a whole new realm of creating art. 

I have always used my ArtRage software to create, but lately, I have been using the real deal.  This is just one of my many new creations, using just pencil and paper.  My ultimate dream is to illustrate a Children’s book someday very soon. 


Panda Bear iPhone Case

I am happy and grateful that I SOLD this iPhone case recently, and I would like to thank the wonderful customer! I appreciate your purchase, so much! 

The Panda Bear And His Visitor iPhone Case

About this artwork:  This cute panda bear admires his new visitor, the ladybug. While sitting in a field of grass. The Wildlife Series, #1.


Happy First Day Of Autumn!

It is so hard to believe that fall is officially here.  Bittersweet, because we all know what comes next! 🙁

I finished a painting that took me a while to complete.  I was a little hesitant in creating this one, only because it was a medium I’m not used to working with.  Acrylic’s with several types of palette knives.

Introducing, “Mr. Moon!”:

Abstract painting of Mr. Moon wearing his nightcap.
Abstract painting of Mr. Moon wearing his nightcap.

Here you have my fall inspired painting, “The Autumn Ladybugs”

Autumn has finally arrived, along with the autumn ladybugs. Here you'll find them resting on top of their favorite pumpkin, enjoying the view from way up high.

Autumn has finally arrived, along with the autumn ladybugs. Here you’ll find them resting on top of their favorite pumpkin, enjoying the view from way up high.

Cheers to cooler weather and the beautiful changing leaves! :~)

I’m Still Standing!

Happy Fall Y’all!

I wanted to share some news about my life this past summer.  

I apologize for the lack of postings on my website.  I have had some major life changes since May of this year.  I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  I was very fortunate to find this beast inside me in the early stages.  I have had to jump some significant hurdles to win the fight.  I had a bilateral mastectomy in June and I am now scheduled for a second surgery to get the remaining cancer out on my left side.  I do not need chemo or radiation, I however will be taking tamoxifen for the next ten years.  It’s all good.  I’m here, and I am so grateful to be alive.  I have a lot of living and creating left to do before I leave this earth.

My family also received another blow from this awful beast called cancer.  My sweet and loving Mother-in-law was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer on July 28th, 2015.  It had spread to her brain, back and organs.  She lost her battle on August 6, 2015.  We were fortunate to have hospice come into our home a few days before her passing to help control her pain.  We were all with her when she passed, and we are very grateful she is no longer suffering.  RIP, my favorite Mother-in-law.

So on to some happy news!  Our twins will be twelve soon, and they are in their first year of middle school and loving it.  Taking the school bus for the very first time has been a highlight for them and for me.  My husband and I will be celebrating 18 years of marriage on September 12th.  So, I have many things to be thankful for.  I am so grateful for my family and friends.  I received so much love, prayers, and support these past few months.  I feel the power of prayer has helped me so much.  God is so good!

I have created a couple paintings since my diagnosis.  My art has been a great way to keep my mind off my worries and struggles.  

I chose to create some animals with a pink theme for Breast Cancer Awareness.   These two latest paintings are, “Chumley The Piglet And His Visitors” and  “Fiona The Flamingo And Her Visitor.”  

I hope they put a smile on your face and in your heart.


Fiona the flamingo is very curious to know what creature sits atop of her beak. They stare at each other in wonder. Wildlife Series #6.

Fiona the flamingo is very curious to know what creature sits atop of her beak. They stare at each other in wonder. Wildlife Series #6.




Chumley the pig gets not one, but two visitors. Wildlife Series #7

Chumley the pig gets not one, but two visitors. Wildlife Series #7